Discover How Others Are Taking Back Their Financial Lives using The New M.A.S. Method

Do you want to achieve any of the following?

  • Buy Your Dream Home
  • Buy Your Dream Vehicle
  • Get Access To High Credit Limits
  • Get Approved For A Business Loan

These are the things that incredible credit unlocks. Imagine life in just a few short months after using the new M.A.S. Method to repair your credit. New house, new car, new life.

we've used the m.a.s. method on over 15,000 clients and unlocked their true credit potential.

gone is the stress of feeling stuck and hopeless.


Crappy credit repair companies.

Disputing on our own with little to no success. 

Going even as far as considering bankruptcy. 

It all seems hopeless. 

But, it’s not your fault.

Credit isn’t necessarily something taught in high school. 

And by the time you get an understanding of it, it’s usually too late.

Anyone can get behind on bills.

Or are victims of their kindness and feel taken advantage of when they co-sign for someone.

Or even worse, you become victims of identity theft...

For anyone that has one or more of the following items, keep reading..

  • Medical bills.
  • Collection accounts.
  • Charge offs.
  • Child Support Payments.
  • Student Loans.
  • Repossessions.
  • Tax Liens.
  • Judgments.

We almost lost all hope... Then we came across The M.A.S. Method and it's disrupting the credit repair industry.

In fact, the bureaus are struggling to catch up to this cutting-edge tactic.

It's The Maximum Accuracy Standard.

I've used this method to repair over 15,000 clients' credit reports.

And now I'm revealing it to you..

Say goodbye to:

  • Disapprovals For Lines of Credit or Loans
  • Feeling Ashamed or Scared To Run Your Credit
  • Insane Interest Rates For Sub-Prime Loans
  • Not Being Able To Buy Your Dream Home or Dream Car

Say Hello To:

  • Mortgage Approval Satisfactory Credit Scores
  • Access To Insanely Lower Interest Rates
  • Access To Unbelievable Credit Card Limits
  • An Overall Lower Cost of Living
  • True Financial Power At Last

Introducing The...

With The Credit Score Blueprint, you'll DISCOVER How To Use The M.a.s. Method And GET...

  • 14 Downloadable, Battle-Tested Dispute Templates. - $497 Value

  • Discover How The Credit Bureaus Came to Power (IMPORTANT) - $97 Value

  • How Credit Scoring Really Works and Which Scores You MUST Pay Attention To - $197 Value

  • How to Review Your Credit Report Like a Pro and Formulate Your First Knock-Out Dispute Letters - $147 Value

  • How to Quickly Build New Credit and Avoid Rookie Pitfalls That HURT Your Credit - $197 Value

  • How to Create Killer Follow Up Responses for Items That Are Hard To Delete - $297 Value

  • How to Use a Debt Validation Letter and Call Debt Collectors' Bluff - $197 Value

  • How to Victoriously Settle for Deletion Accounts That Are Legitimate. - $97 Value

  • How to Execute Late Payment Disputes Like An Expert - $349 Value

  • How to Leverage The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in your Favor. - $97 Value

Total Value


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recap of what's included:

14 Downloadable, Battle-Tested Dispute Templates. - $497 Value

  • Discover How The Credit Bureaus Came to Power (IMPORTANT) - $97 Value

  • How Credit Scoring Really Works and Which Scores You MUST Pay Attention To - $197 Value

  • How to Review Your Credit Report Like a Pro and Formulate Your First Knock-Out Dispute Letters - $147 Value

  • How to Quickly Build New Credit and Avoid Rookie Pitfalls That HURT Your Credit - $197 Value

  • How to Create Killer Follow Up Responses for Items That Are Hard To Delete - $297 Value

  • How to Use a Debt Validation Letter and Call Debt Collectors' Bluff - $197 Value

  • How to Victoriously Settle for Deletion Accounts That Are Legitimate. - $97 Value

  • How to Execute Late Payment Disputes Like An Expert - $349 Value

  • How to Leverage The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in your Favor. - $97 Value

The Credit Score Blueprint was put together by myself, Joe Chavarria. I’m a certified FICO professional with over 20 years in the consumer debt industry. I currently own and operate a successful credit repair company that has helped thousands of clients with this very process.

I’ve spent my whole life studying the credit system and found the 100% legal methods that help everyday people like yourself get incredible, permanent results.

Wait. How Is This Different Than Everything Else?

Good question. We take a brand new approach to outdated credit repair tactics. This new method has helped is significantly increase the results we get when repairing nearly any credit profile. This is not the cookie-cutter templates that anyone can download online. These are leading edge tactics.

Is This Legal?

Absolutely! We believe in 100% legal, fair, and ethical ways of improving a credit profile. We steer far away from shady practices that others use. We leverage existing laws inside of the Fair Credit Reporting Act to get results.

How Do I Know This Will Work?

You don't! Not until you give it a try. Luckily we have a 30 day money-back warranty. If you purchase this and aren't 100% satisfied with your purchase, simply request a refund. It's that simple.

Do I Need To Be A Credit Expert To Use This?

Not at all. We designed this so that the everyday individual can use. Simply download your purchase, fill out the info, send out your disputes and wait for the results. We even have an option for walk-through videos.

Will This Improve Credit?

While we cannot make any promises of score improvement, many of our clients who have use our strategies have seen their overall credit profile improve. We cannot guarantee the exact same results or experiences because every credit profile is different.


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CrediScoreBlueprint.com does not guarantee your success or that you will have any particular credit score, result, or timeframe you could experience using our courses. We do not promise or guarantee your results. We do not offer any form of legal advice or counsel. Any financials discussed here are used strictly as examples and should not be taken as average or exact results nor promise of results. As with anything you purchase use caution and consult with your financial counsel before making any purchases. The results you acquire from these pieces of training are 100% dependant on you, your skill set, your financials, and your ability to execute these teachings. By registering on this site you agree to not attempt to hold CreditScoreBlueprint.com liable for your actions or results at any point in time.

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